Evelyn Andrews Holistic Therapies offers a wide variety of specialised treatments designed to promote emotional and physical wellbeing.
Evelyn Andrews Holistic Therapies offers a wide variety of specialised treatments designed to promote emotional and physical wellbeing.
The Journey is a world renowned healing tool that has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, with a wide range of issues, from across the globe.
Energy healing enables the natural flow of energy throughout the body, essential for physical wellbeing and allowing the process of emotional health to flourish.
Are you undermined by fear? Do you lack confidence or self-worth? Do you find it hard to love yourself? The Journey is a world renowned healing tool that has helped transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. Pioneered by the internationally acclaimed mind, body and healing expert Brandon Bays; the Journey therapy works
“I must thank you most sincerely for your help and support. I can not begin to tell you
how wonderful and empowered I feel since my journey processes.”
“Thank you so much Eve for everything you have done for me. You really have made
a difference in my life.”
“In early summer 2006, following a friends recommendation, I came to see Eve Andrews. I was in a desperate state, my body was racked with pain and my mind was in torment. Through intensive Journey work I was able to face the demons of my past, and begin to accept those parts of my personality that I had strived all my life to keep hidden from view.
She showed me that by embracing the very things I disliked the most about myself I was able to break free of their hold over me. The process can be likened to the peeling of an onion, each time a layer was stripped away, enabling us to get even closer to the core of the real me.
I am now healthier physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually than ever before. I am truly on the Path to Total Freedom.
Thank you Eve.”
The Journey & what it means to me.
“Since working with Eve Andrews – I have found a Friend, Teacher, Guide, Mentor and Life Coach. The Journey is a voyage of discovery into oneself and has enabled me to begin & start to love, cherish and respect myself. Some Journeys have been extremely hard, others easy but all of them has enabled me to find Peace, Freedom and Stillness within myself.
Before starting the Journey work, I imprisoned and placed myself in a hell of my own making, constantly tortured and tormented, with no escape, always enduring pain and suffering. The Journey has enabled me to break these chains/bonds, face my fears and to find peace and freedom. I always sought and yearned for. I can now live and be myself and start to go forward in life.”
Finding Me
Then I found the tools to help me see through the illusions and lies that created the fear and break free. In doing so I found me. Me who gets up in the morning feeling excited to face the new day. Me who loves and accepts me just the way I am. Me who looks at you and understands and loves you. Me who want to support you in finding your me. Me who is perfect as me.
Evelyn x
Talking Therapy
Talking therapy, counselling, there are many names and many guises but all are based on the principal that sometimes simply “talking” to someone can lift great burdens from the shoulders. Read more
Taking a look in the mirror with The Journey
A few years ago, after my Saturday morning walks along the cliff paths, I started to get a strange sensation in my left leg. It was as if there was fluid running down the side of my leg, all the way from my knee into my foot. The sensation wasn’t there all the time, and the feeling was more annoying than anything else. With most of my energy focused on studying to become a teacher in Aura-Soma (I was a Colour Care consultant at this time), I didn’t do anything about it. Read more